Dr. Weil, Dr. Koo, or a back up doctor is on call at all times. If you have an emergency during normal office
hours, please call the office. If you are a patient of record ( you have been seen in the office by our
doctors previously ) and you need assistance after business hours you may call the office number
(713/783-5560) to have the answering service page the doctor.
If you are not a patient of record, you are welcome to call us at any time for advice or possibly treatment if
the situation is an emergency. It is not generally possible, however, for new patients to have a dental
extraction performed after hours. You may be seen and treated in one of the local emergency rooms
where Dr. Weil / Dr. Koo is on staff. Additionally, it is not possible, indeed technically not legal, for patients
who have not been seen by Dr. Weil / Dr. Koo in the past to obtain prescriptions for any medications over
the telephone. We are very happy to help anyone needing our services in any way we can do so. You are
encouraged to explore the options we can offer you by contacting the on call doctor. If you have a
problem that you feel is truly a medical emergency, please contact us immediately. We will arrange to
provide care for you in the most appropriate setting, whether office or hospital.